Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This week's discussion is on zombies. Yes, the all popular can-never-have-too-many-games-or-movies-about-it-monster (which is very true; zombies make everything better. Like pirates.)

First of all, though the zombies did make the book more interesting, it is still Jane Austin at its core and so kinda, no pun intended, frightfully boring. Other than the momentarily amusing points where Elizabeth's character has been made more interesting by her involvement in the deadly arts, I still had to fight my way through the book.

However, I think if the plot of the zombies had been pushed more... other than a minor inconvenience to people, then it might have been better.

I think the most unfortunate part of this story was that it was just like the original with simply the inclusion of zombies in the mix. It made it more fun but... truly... it didn't affect the story any. I would have rather the book have carried beyond the original story that people all know and "love". But let us move onto the zombies. Why do we love zombies? I think it is for the same reason that people who play Dungeons and Dragons like goblins or World of Warcraft players like trash mobs- you can kill a bunch of them at one time and do an epic battle in efficient time. I mean, most movies or games you don't have a one on one battle with a zombie.

No, it's an entire room full of them and your mastery of the beheading arts will allow you to slay zombies until you escape! Or until you fall and your friends leave you behind while your now zombified teammates eat you alive.

The most wonderful parts of zombie stories is that not everybody survives in them. Actually, most of the time only one or two characters out of a group survives (if that). The book we read... nobody died. That greatly disappointed me. It always kills me when an author can not off one of his or her characters to make the book have more impact.

In conclusion, I expected more but was not wholly disappointed. Maybe the lack of fun pace in the book destroyed my attentions.

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